12 dakika okundu
A Sunday Interview with Myself

What is the meaning of the life?

- The meaning of life is a question that has puzzled philosophers and theologians for centuries, and it is something that everyone may answer differently. Some people believe that the meaning of life is to achieve certain goals or to fulfil certain roles in life, such as being a good parent or partner. Others believe that the meaning of life is to seek happiness, knowledge, or enlightenment. Still others believe that the meaning of life is to find one's purpose in life or to make a positive impact on the world. Ultimately, the meaning of life is a personal and subjective concept that may be influenced by an individual's cultural, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs.

So, is it pointless to seek the answer of above?

- It is up to each individual to decide whether they want to seek an answer to the question of the meaning of life and how important finding that answer is to them. Some people may find it meaningful to try to understand their own purpose in life or to find a sense of fulfilment and happiness, while others may not place as much importance on these things. It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique perspective and experiences, and what is meaningful to one person may not be as meaningful to another. It is ultimately up to each individual to determine what is important and meaningful to them in their own lives.

Related to above, is it possible to think it without financial freedom?

- Financial freedom can certainly make it easier to pursue the things that are important and meaningful to you, as it can provide more opportunities and options. However, it is important to remember that financial freedom is not the only factor that can contribute to a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Many people find meaning and fulfilment through their relationships, their personal interests and passions, their work, and their contributions to their communities, regardless of their financial situation. It is possible to find meaning in life without financial freedom, but it may require finding other sources of fulfilment and finding ways to make the most of the resources and opportunities that are available.

What about economic slavery? A person who has not born in fortune has to spend his all life to survive?

- Economic slavery refers to a situation in which an individual is forced to work in order to meet their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, and is unable to escape this cycle of poverty and economic dependence. This can be a difficult and challenging experience, and it can be difficult for an individual to feel a sense of purpose or meaning in their life when they are struggling to meet their basic needs. However, it is important to remember that everyone's circumstances are unique, and it is possible for individuals who are facing economic challenges to find meaning and fulfilment in their lives in other ways. This may involve finding ways to give back to their communities, pursuing personal interests and passions, or developing strong relationships with loved ones. It is important for individuals to find ways to take care of themselves emotionally and mentally, and to seek support if they need it, in order to find a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

Maslow's hierarchy is known by most people but still very few of them would be lucky to reach in the top pyramid of it. what is the main reason for that?

- Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory proposed by Abraham Maslow that outlines the various levels of human needs that must be met in order for an individual to reach their full potential. According to Maslow's hierarchy, the basic physiological needs for survival, such as food, water, and shelter, must be met before an individual can move on to the next level of needs, which include safety and security, love and belonging, and esteem. The highest level of needs is self-actualization, which refers to the need to reach one's full potential and to find meaning and purpose in life. 

There are many factors that can influence an individual's ability to reach the higher levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Some of these factors include access to resources, education, and opportunities, as well as personal circumstances and individual characteristics. In some cases, individuals may face challenges or barriers that prevent them from meeting their basic needs, which can make it difficult for them to move on to the next level of needs. It is important to recognize that everyone's journey is unique and that it is possible for individuals to find meaning and fulfilment in their lives in different ways, regardless of their position on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Economically, what needs to be done to make this existing regime fairer and to bring most people at the bottom of the pyramid to the top?

- There are many different approaches that could be taken to address economic inequality and to make the existing economic system fairer. Some potential strategies include: 

  1. Redistributive policies: These are policies that aim to redistribute wealth and resources from those who have more to those who have less, in order to reduce inequality. Examples include progressive taxation, social welfare programs, and minimum wage laws.
  2. Education and training: Providing education and training opportunities can help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure good jobs and improve their economic status.
  3. Investment in infrastructure and economic development: Investing in infrastructure and economic development projects can create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which can help lift people out of poverty.
  4. Regulation and oversight: Ensuring that there are fair and transparent rules in place for businesses and financial institutions can help prevent exploitation and abuse and create a level playing field for all.
  5. Addressing systemic issues: It is also important to address systemic issues that contribute to economic inequality, such as discrimination and prejudice, which can prevent certain groups of people from accessing the same opportunities and resources as others.

It is likely that a combination of these and other approaches will be needed to address economic inequality and make the existing economic system fairer.

If income justice and economic equality can be achieved, do you think people will pay more attention to nature, art, literature, and philosophy? "Self-actualization" at the top of the pyramid is a high motivator for many people?

-It is difficult to predict exactly how achieving income justice and economic equality would affect people's interests and motivations. However, it is possible that having their basic needs met and a more stable economic foundation could provide individuals with more time and resources to pursue their interests and passions, including nature, art, literature, and philosophy. Self-actualization, or the need to reach one's full potential and find meaning and purpose in life, is a key motivator for many people, and achieving income justice and economic equality could potentially create more opportunities for individuals to pursue their passions and achieve self-actualization. It is important to remember that people are motivated by a wide range of factors, and that individual interests and passions can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, cultural and social influences, and individual characteristics. It is also important to recognize that achieving income justice and economic equality is not a guarantee that all individuals will have the same interests and motivations, as everyone's experiences and perspectives are unique. 

Money, the desire to be wealthy, and a sense of ownership can certainly be strong motivators for some people, but they are not necessarily more powerful than the motivation to achieve self-actualization or to find meaning and purpose in life. It is important to recognize that people are motivated by a wide range of factors, and that different individuals may prioritize different things. Some people may place a high value on accumulating wealth and material possessions, while others may prioritize personal growth, relationships, or making a positive impact on the world. 

It is also important to recognize that the desire for wealth and material possessions can sometimes lead to negative consequences, such as environmental destruction and resource depletion. It is important for individuals and societies to consider the long-term consequences of their actions and to prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet. 

Ultimately, the motivations that drive an individual's behavior are complex and varied, and it is important to consider the full range of factors that may influence an individual's choices and actions.

What are all the factors that drive an individual's behavior that can influence their choices and actions?

- There are many different factors that can influence an individual's behavior and choices. Some of these factors include: 

  1. Personal values and beliefs: An individual's personal values and beliefs can shape their attitudes and behaviours. For example, someone who values honesty may be more likely to act honestly in their relationships and decisions.
  2. Personal experiences: An individual's past experiences can also influence their behavior. For example, someone who has had a negative experience with a particular type of behavior may be more likely to avoid that behavior in the future.
  3. Social and cultural influences: An individual's social and cultural environment can also shape their behavior. For example, someone who grows up in a community that values hard work and ambition may be more likely to prioritize these values in their own life.
  4. Physical and emotional needs: Basic physical and emotional needs, such as the need for food, shelter, and security, can also influence behavior. For example, someone who is hungry may be more motivated to find food.
  5. Cognitive and emotional processes: An individual's cognitive and emotional processes, such as their thought patterns and emotional reactions, can also influence their behavior. For example, someone who tends to think positively may be more likely to take positive action.
  6. Personal goals and motivations: An individual's personal goals and motivations can also influence their behavior. For example, someone who is motivated to succeed in their career may be more likely to take actions that support that goal.

It is important to recognize that these and other factors can interact and influence an individual's behavior in complex and varied ways.

In 2023, there will be a general election in Turkey. What motivations and factors do you think people are most influenced by when voting in the election?

- It is difficult for me to accurately predict what motivations and factors will influence people's voting decisions in the 2023 general election in Turkey, as this will depend on the specific context and issues facing the country at that time. However, some factors that may influence people's voting decisions in an election can include: 

  1. Personal values and beliefs: An individual's personal values and beliefs can shape their voting decisions. For example, someone who values equality and social justice may be more likely to support a political party that promotes these values.
  2. Political issues: Political issues that are important to an individual, such as healthcare, education, and the economy, can also influence their voting decisions.
  3. Personal experiences: An individual's personal experiences and circumstances can also shape their voting decisions. For example, someone who has personally benefited from a particular policy may be more likely to support the political party that implemented it.
  4. Social and cultural influences: An individual's social and cultural environment can also influence their voting decisions. For example, someone who grows up in a community that values a particular political party may be more likely to support that party.
  5. Political parties and candidates: The policies and platforms of political parties and candidates can also influence an individual's voting decisions. For example, someone may choose to support a particular party or candidate because they align with their values and beliefs, or because they believe that party or candidate has the best vision for the future.

It is important to recognize that these and other factors can interact and influence an individual's voting decisions in complex and varied ways.

In the context of the continuation of the previous question, don't you think that the fact that every single individual who has the right to vote in society is equal makes us question the meaning or quality of democracy? While everyone's level of evaluation of complex phenomena is different, their intellectual background and in-depth knowledge of the subject of the election are different, is equal voting rights a fair situation for you?

- It is important to recognize that while all individuals who have the right to vote in a democratic society are equal in the sense that they have an equal right to participate in the political process, they may not have equal knowledge or understanding of the issues at stake in an election. This is because individuals have different experiences, backgrounds, and access to information, and may have different levels of education and understanding of complex issues. 

Equal voting rights are a cornerstone of democratic societies and are essential for ensuring that all members of a community have a say in the decisions that affect their lives. However, it is also important for individuals to be informed about the issues and candidates in an election in order to make informed voting decisions. This can involve seeking out reliable sources of information, engaging in thoughtful and respectful dialogue with others, and considering the potential consequences of different policies and decisions. 

While it is not possible to ensure that all individuals have the same level of understanding and knowledge of the issues in an election, democratic societies can work to promote greater accessibility and understanding of the political process, for example by providing voter education and information resources, and by encouraging open and respectful dialogue.

Although I do not fully agree with you, myself, on this issue, I would like to at least agree that democracy is still the best option among the existing alternatives, but I would also like to express that we need to work for a better model. In this context, do you think that being a single world state without unlimited economic differences, that is, "world citizenship" in the real sense, is a utopia?

- It is understandable to want to strive for a more just and equitable society, and to consider the potential benefits of different models of governance. While the idea of a single world state without unlimited economic differences, or "world citizenship" in the broadest sense, may seem appealing in theory, it is important to recognize that implementing such a model would be very complex and challenging. 

There are many different factors to consider when evaluating the feasibility and potential benefits of different models of governance. Some of the challenges that would need to be addressed in the creation of a single world state include: 

  1. Differences in cultural and societal norms: Different societies and cultures may have very different values and beliefs, which could make it difficult to create a single set of rules and policies that would apply to everyone.
  2. Economic and resource disparities: The creation of a single world state would require a significant redistribution of wealth and resources, which could be difficult to achieve in practice.
  3. Political and power dynamics: The creation of a single world state would also require the resolution of political and power dynamics between different nations and groups.
  4. Human nature: It is also important to consider that people have a natural tendency to act in their own self-interest, and that creating a single world state would require a significant shift in people's attitudes and behaviors.

While it is important to strive for a more just and equitable society, it is also important to recognize that achieving such a goal will likely require a combination of approaches and will involve significant challenges and trade-offs.

If we can itemize the challenges, why does it seem difficult for world leaders to come to a common agreement on solutions and launch the project?

- There are many complex and interconnected factors that can make it difficult for world leaders to come to a common agreement on solutions to global challenges. Some of these factors include: 

  1. Differences in national interests: Different countries may have different priorities and goals, which can make it difficult to reach a consensus on solutions to global problems.
  2. Political and economic power dynamics: The distribution of political and economic power among different countries can also influence their ability to negotiate and reach agreement on global issues.
  3. Cultural and ideological differences: Different countries and cultures may have different values and beliefs, which can make it difficult to find common ground on global issues.
  4. Limited resources: There may also be limited resources available to address global challenges, which can make it difficult for countries to come to an agreement on how to allocate those resources.
  5. Complexity of global challenges: Many global challenges, such as climate change and poverty, are complex and multifaceted, which can make it difficult to develop and implement effective solutions.

It is important to recognize that addressing global challenges will likely require a combination of approaches and will involve significant challenges and trade-offs. It is also important for world leaders to engage in open and respectful dialogue and to consider the perspectives and needs of all stakeholders in order to find common ground and develop effective solutions.

Well, if I keep asking these kinds of questions a little longer, I see that I risk turning myself into someone like these politicians. I would like to return to the point of "self-realization", which is our focus. To external drugs for happiness, alcohol, money, love, career, success, etc. that we need. However, isn't real happiness something within us, independent of everything? Doesn't our main strength, motivation, and happiness come from the main core within ourselves?

- It is true that happiness is often thought of as an internal experience that comes from within us, rather than being dependent on external factors such as money, love, career, or success. Many people believe that happiness is a state of well-being and contentment that is derived from a sense of purpose and meaning in life, and that it is something that we can cultivate and nurture within ourselves. 

There are many different things that people may find meaningful and fulfilling in life, such as personal relationships, creative pursuits, spiritual practices, or service to others. While external factors such as money and success can certainly bring temporary pleasure or satisfaction, true happiness often comes from within and is derived from a sense of connection and purpose. It is important to recognize that happiness is a complex and personal experience, and that what brings happiness to one person may not be the same for another. 

It is also important to recognize that happiness is not a constant state, and that it is natural for people to experience ups and downs in their emotional well-being. It is important for individuals to find ways to take care of their emotional and mental health, and to seek support if they need it, in order to cultivate a sense of happiness and well-being within themselves.

So, what do you think is the reason why Nietzsche, one of the smartest people in the world, chose a life alone in a forest, which drove him to the point of insanity, instead of a prosperous life?

- Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who is known for his controversial and influential ideas about morality, religion, and the nature of reality. Nietzsche is known for his critiques of traditional values and his emphasis on the individual's will to power and the importance of self-overcoming. 

It is not clear what specific factors led Nietzsche to choose a solitary life in a forest, as he did not leave any written records about this decision. However, it is known that Nietzsche experienced significant personal and health challenges during his life, including the loss of his father at a young age, a series of mental and physical health problems, and the breakdown of his marriage. These experiences may have contributed to his decision to retreat from society and live a solitary life. 

It is also important to note that Nietzsche's philosophy was deeply influenced by his own experiences and personal struggles, and that his ideas about individualism and the rejection of traditional values were, in part, a response to the suffering and challenges he faced in his own life.

What about Nietzsche or Camus?

- Friedrich Nietzsche and Albert Camus were both influential philosophers who are known for their ideas about meaning, morality, and the human condition. 

Nietzsche was a German philosopher who is known for his controversial and influential ideas about morality, religion, and the nature of reality. He is known for his critiques of traditional values and his emphasis on the individual's will to power and the importance of self-overcoming. Camus was a French philosopher and writer who is known for his ideas about the human condition and the search for meaning in an absurd and unpredictable world. 

Camus is known for his concept of the "absurd," which refers to the tension between the human desire for meaning and the inherent meaninglessness of the universe. He is also known for his emphasis on individual freedom and responsibility, and his belief in the importance of living a meaningful and authentic life in the face of suffering and death. 

While Nietzsche and Camus had some similar ideas, they also had significant differences in their philosophies. For example, Nietzsche was more optimistic about the potential for human greatness, while Camus was more sceptical about the possibility of finding meaning in an absurd world. Additionally, Nietzsche was more critical of traditional values and religion, while Camus was more open to the possibility of finding meaning through spiritual or religious practices.

What are the common characteristics of self-actualizing people?

- Self-actualization is a term used in psychology to describe the process of reaching one's full potential and achieving a sense of fulfilment in life. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, self-actualization is the highest level of human development and is characterized by a few traits, including: 

  1. A sense of purpose and meaning in life: Self-actualizing individuals are able to identify their unique strengths and passions and find purpose and meaning in their lives through activities that align with these.
  2. Personal growth and self-improvement: Self-actualizing individuals are constantly seeking opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement and are open to new experiences and challenges that allow them to learn and grow.
  3. Independence and autonomy: Self-actualizing individuals have a strong sense of independence and can think and act for themselves, rather than being influenced by external pressures or expectations.
  4. Creativity and spontaneity: Self-actualizing individuals are often creative and spontaneous and can express themselves in original and authentic ways.
  5. Deep interpersonal relationships: Self-actualizing individuals can form deep, meaningful relationships with others and are able to empathize and connect with others on a deep level.
  6. A sense of acceptance and self-awareness: Self-actualizing individuals can accept themselves and others for who they are and have a strong sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance.

It is important to note that self-actualization is a journey and a process, and that individuals may exhibit these traits to varying degrees at different stages of their lives. 

It will be a classic, but is football some sort of drug to you?

- Football, or soccer as it is known in some countries, is a sport that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. For many people, football is a source of enjoyment and entertainment, and can be a fun and social activity that brings people together. 

While football can certainly bring pleasure and enjoyment to those who participate in it or watch it, it is important to recognize that it is not a "drug" in the traditional sense. A drug is generally defined as a substance that is taken for its psychoactive effects, and football does not have the ability to alter one's consciousness or produce psychoactive effects. 

Of course, like any activity, it is possible for people to become overly obsessed or consumed by football, or to use it as a means of escapism or distraction from other problems or challenges in their lives. It is important for individuals to find a healthy balance in their participation in any activity, including football, and to prioritize their overall well-being.

What about sex? do you think the same about it as above?

- Sex is a natural and normal part of human experience and can be an important source of pleasure and intimacy in a person's life. However, like any activity, it is possible for people to become overly obsessed or consumed by sex, or to use it as a means of escapism or distraction from other problems or challenges in their lives. It is important for individuals to find a healthy balance in their sexual behavior and to prioritize their overall well-being. 

It is also important to recognize that sex can have significant physical and emotional risks and consequences, and it is important for individuals to take steps to protect their own health and the health of their partners. This may include things like practicing safe sex, communicating openly and honestly about sexual health and boundaries, and seeking medical care and support if needed.

Finally, how many sex per week would you recommend us for our happiness?

-There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many times per week an individual should have sex in order to be happy, as people's needs and desires when it comes to sex can vary greatly. What is most important is that individuals are able to communicate openly and honestly with their partners about their sexual needs and desires, and that they are able to engage in sexual activity that is enjoyable, consensual, and respectful of both partners' boundaries and well-being. 

It is also important to recognize that sex is just one aspect of a person's overall well-being and happiness, and that there are many other factors that contribute to a person's overall sense of well-being and fulfilment. Factors such as meaningful relationships, purpose and meaning in life, personal growth and self-improvement, and self-care and self-acceptance can all contribute to a person's overall sense of happiness and well-being.

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